Sublanding page


HTML code

Jinja2 template code for Wagtail CMS

Sub-landing page types provide an overview of a topic and/or group of related content within a main navigation area. The sub-landing page template should always be used as a child page to the landing page template.

Similar to landing pages, the focus of these pages is enabling users to quickly understand a topic area and select the specific information that meets their need. Unlike the landing page, this template allows for lengthier content components to allow for further explanation of a topic if needed.

Each sub-landing page template has three basic content areas with two variations in layout:

landing examples

Use case

When to use

  • When creating a new topic area within one of the main navigation verticals.
  • Target user is primarily in an explore mindset, so the main content of this page should be focused on introducing them to the topic and directing them to the specific content that will meet their needs.

When other options are better

  • When page content includes multiple paragraphs of copy or more detailed definitions or explanations.
  • When the desired user interaction is more geared toward encouraging users to sit down and read something or engage deeply with an interactive tool.
Page components included

Within each area of the template, various components may be selected to best fit the content of the specific page being created.

Area 1


Text introduction (with optional breakout sidebar)

Area 2

50/50 image & text

25/75 image & text

Featured content module

Full width text

Half width link blob

Gray well

Contact information

Area 3

Related posts / Related links

Email signup

Contact information


Below the 901 px breakpoint, the sidebar stacks below the main content area.

Breakpoints 901+


Breakpoints 900 and less


Content guidelines

  • The content components should work together to create an overview of the information held within the section and how it relates back to the main navigation section.
  • Should be written and organized in a way that aids the user in skimming and quickly navigating to lower-level pages where they’ll find the information they need.
  • Components should work together to give users clear next steps and calls to actions; give them the opportunity to decide quickly what content is relevant to them and where they should go next.
  • The default placement for contact information should be in the sidebar. Only use the main content area when contact information is of extra significance or directly ties into the main objective of the page.
  • Page titles are sentence case and use the word “and” instead of “&”. (Note that navigation labels follows a different style.)
  • While full width body copy (including bulleted lists) is an option in this template, it should be used sparingly.


Area 1: Introduction

  • Choose between a hero or text introduction for this area.
  • Option for using breakout sidebar variation of the text introduction.

Area 2: Main content

Area 3: Sidebar

  • Must contain at least 1 component.
  • If using both static and dynamic content, preference for dynamic content to appear above static content.